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    • 身高:演员
    • 体重:
    • 星座:狮子座
    • 血型:
    • 地区:
    • 人气:433
    • 简介:影人简介   Height 5' 9" (1.75 m)  Ontario native Amy Forsyth stars in the upcoming Hulu Original Series,"The Path." The drama, which premiered on March 30th, 2016, follows the mysterious world of the cult-like Meyerist Movement in upstate New York.  Forsyth's love for performing arts began with ballet at her local dance studio in Stouffville, a small town Northeast of Toronto. She then transitioned to musical theatre and fell in love with the stage. Following ten years of performing, Forsyth signed with an agent in hopes of exploring film and television. After contemplating enrolling in a post secondary theatre program, she decided to go straight into the industry and has not looked back.  In addition to"The Path", Forsyth has appeared in guest-starring roles on shows such as, The CW's"Reign,""Degrassi: The Next Generation,""The Lizzie Borden Chronicles," as well as a multi-episode arc on Syfy's"Defiance."
    • 代表作品:零异频道第二季,青春崛起,圣路教第一季,漂亮男孩,地狱游乐园
    • 生日:1995-08-06




    • 0.0第9集完结镀金时代第一季克里斯汀·芭伦斯基,辛西娅·尼克松,路易莎·雅格布森,凯莉·库恩,摩根·斯佩克特,丹妮·本顿,泰莎·法米加,布莱克·瑞特森,西蒙·琼斯,哈利·理查森,托马斯·康奎尔,杰克·吉尔平,珍妮·特里普里霍恩,埃林·维赫米,约翰·道格拉斯·汤普森,琳达·伊蒙,道格拉斯·斯利斯,唐纳·墨菲,比尔·欧文,奥德拉·麦克唐纳,艾米·福赛思,沙利文·琼斯,凯蒂·芬内朗,迈克尔·瑟沃瑞斯,戴布拉·莫克,迈克尔·吉尔,凯莉·奥哈拉,泰勒·理查森,西莉亚·基南-博尔格,帕特里克·佩奇,瓦德·霍尔顿,本·阿勒斯,祖赞娜·斯扎德科夫斯
    • 0.0更新至10集亲爱的爱德华科林·奥布莱恩,伊娃·阿里尔·宾德,Khloe,Bruno,Audrey,Corsa,Tom,D'Agustino,Jenna,Qureshi,克拉拉·王,阿姆尔·艾尔-贝尤明,马克斯威尔·詹金斯,Scot,Teller,特德·科赫,Johnny,Link,Idris,Debrand,Christopher,Riley,Trent,M.,Williams,丹尼斯·法尼,罗杰·尤森,康妮·布里登,泰勒·席林,布列塔尼·S·霍尔,艾米·福赛思,布莱恩·达西·詹姆斯,陈清仁,伊万·肖,卡特·哈
    • 5.5HD地狱游乐园贝克斯·泰勒-克劳斯,雷格·爱德沃兹,艾米·福赛思,托尼·托德,考特尼·迪茨,迈克尔·图尔克,克里斯蒂安·詹姆斯,马特·默丘里奥,埃尔·格雷厄姆,布鲁克·杰伊·泰勒,本杰明·韦弗,肖恩·麦克米伦
    • 0.0正片我们召唤黑暗亚历珊德拉·达达里奥,约翰尼·诺克斯维尔,基恩·约翰逊,麦蒂·哈森,洛根·米勒,艾米·福赛思,爱丽珊·麦卡蒂,奥斯汀·斯威夫特,Stephanie,Moroz,埃里克·阿
    • 0.0HD健听女孩艾米莉亚·琼斯,DanielDurant,约翰·菲奥里,LonnieFarmer,凯文·查普曼,艾米·福赛思,CourtlandJones,MollyBethThomas
    • 6.2HD漂亮男孩2018史蒂夫·卡瑞尔,蒂莫西·柴勒梅德,毛拉·蒂尔内,克里斯蒂安·康佛瑞,凯特琳·德弗,艾米·莱安,斯戴芬妮·斯考特,朱利安·沃克斯,杰克·迪伦·格雷泽,艾米·福赛思,安德烈·罗佑,曼迪娅·弗罗里,蒂莫西·赫顿,爱德华德·弗莱彻,丽莎盖伊·汉密尔顿,迈克尔·帕特里克·麦克吉尔,汤姆·蔡,山姆·狄龙,埃米·阿奎诺,汤姆·贝耶,朱利安·克鲁瑟,约翰·洛巴托,安东尼·斯诺,艾蒂安·维克,大卫·门登霍尔,奥克莉·布尔,Kue,Lawrence,Ricky,Low,Mary,Pat,Farrell,杰夫·阿德勒,Sash
    • 6.3HD漂亮男孩史蒂夫·卡瑞尔,蒂莫西·柴勒梅德,毛拉·蒂尔内,克里斯蒂安·康佛瑞,OakleyBull,凯特琳·德弗,艾米·莱安,斯戴芬妮·斯考特,JulianWorks,KueLawrence,杰克·迪伦·格雷泽,RickyLow,MaryPatFarrell,艾米·福赛思,安德烈·罗佑,MandeiyaFlory,蒂莫西·赫顿,JeffAdler,爱德华德·弗莱彻,SashaKellyJackson,丽莎·盖伊·汉密尔顿,CarltonWilborn,NikkiSnipper,MarthaT.Newman,Broo
    • 7.510集全/已完结青春崛起乔什·拉德诺,玛丽·谢尔顿,奥丽伊·卡瓦洛,戴蒙·J·格里斯佩,雪莉·拉米瑞克,乔·蒂皮特,艾米·福赛思,拉米安·纽顿,罗西·培瑞兹,香农·珀瑟,肖恩·戈兰迪洛,汤姆·里斯·法雷尔,凯瑟琳·雷斯

    影人简介   Height 5' 9" (1.75 m)  Ontario native Amy Forsyth stars in the upcoming Hulu Original Series,"The Path." The drama, which premiered on March 30th, 2016, follows the mysterious world of the cult-like Meyerist Movement in upstate New York.  Forsyth's love for performing arts began with ballet at her local dance studio in Stouffville, a small town Northeast of Toronto. She then transitioned to musical theatre and fell in love with the stage. Following ten years of performing, Forsyth signed with an agent in hopes of exploring film and television. After contemplating enrolling in a post secondary theatre program, she decided to go straight into the industry and has not looked back.  In addition to"The Path", Forsyth has appeared in guest-starring roles on shows such as, The CW's"Reign,""Degrassi: The Next Generation,""The Lizzie Borden Chronicles," as well as a multi-episode arc on Syfy's"Defiance."


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